Cursos disponíveis

This is the last section of the course where you will get into exam mode and work under pressure. By doing this we will make adjustments to your timing and overall exam performance. No all of this hard work will be chnneled for you to score top points in the two most imprtant areas of the English test.

In the final weeks we have a complete 4 part exam for you to experience (2 translations) so you can consider your performans by facing the full exam too.

In this section you will start with the compositions and have plenty of practice then we will move on to how to deal with the difficult task of the translations and show the best strategy for you to score as many points as possible.

We will first focus on the introduction, then perfecting the organisation of your arguments through typical exam questions. Then the translation exercises will be based on how to score well using difficult Brazilian literature. 

Part 3 will be developing exam practice and strategy.

This is the 2023/4 version of our successful CACD Exam preparation course.

 Its different focuses are split into 3 stages. This first one is to make you write, write and write, giving us information to analyse and showing you what is right and wrong with your writing. 

This section will show you how to study so for the rest of the course you know what you need to achive a high level of language for the test and start you on the TPS exam. The main focus will then be on Compositions and Summaries but at the end of the course you will work towards doing full concurso mock tests.

Writing | LearnEnglish

In this section CACD candidates will be given 4 compositions to complete. Then in the final 2 weeks there will be 2 more compositions combined with summaries. The writing can either be typed or written in pen

This is the Ofchan concurso for CEBRASPE December 2023. It is designed to prepare students for the English section. It covers all of the styles of questions all exam boards use. The course has video by Prof' 'Shaun who will prepare you to do all of the individual parts of the exam and understand what the examiner wants. Then the candidates will do complete exams based on FGV and CESPE/CEBRASPE. 

The course is focused on CEBRASPE and the writings and nee questions are included from what the editor was published on 15 September 2023

This is the area to access the videos and class information for the Upper Intermediate PGE RS Group

Basic Intensive Course


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